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A new challenge for the year

As much as I love having my camera in its holster at all times with the safety off, I often travel without it. Most photographers are probably saying, "this guy must be crazy to miss out on shot opportunities," but in fact, I never miss a photo op.

One of the greatest inventions, although I was initially a skeptic, is the camera phone.

This nifty little invention has proven to be a great tool for things such as archiving potential shoot locations to capturing that quick moment that becomes art.

Presently I am in Boston on business and purposely decided to leave the trusty Nikon at home this go round. Instead, I have given myself the challenge of utilizing only my Motorola camera phone to archive moments from my trip.

I have decided to push my eye for artistry and creativity to a new limit, buy utilizing what is generally perceived by most to be an inferior imaging device to show other aspiring photographers that you don't have to spend thousands to produce images that one can be proud of.

This picture was taken in August of 2007 with my Motorola E815 Camera Phone. It was taken from the 5th floor of the Boston Children's Museum where my organization's headquarters [Citizen Schools] is located. I shot through a glass window which had an affect on the contrast of the shot. Additionally, there was a slight overcast that day which produced low lying clouds and creating a canvas of light gray in the sky above the financial district.

Other than a bit of minor cropping, a touch of sharpening, desaturation, and punching up the contrast, this 1.4 MP image provides a glimpse of what is to come during the next few days.



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