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Charlotte,NC Photography Studio Share

The winter is just around the corner in Charlotte, NC and unlike bobsled racing, photographers sometimes need a warm, dry place to work.  Our studio share located in Matthews, NC currently has several openings for photographers interested in having 24-hour access to a comfortable workspace.  For $200 a month, studio share members enjoy the following:

  • Online calendar to reserve shoot times 
  • Three 750 watt studio strobes
  • Various accessories including soft boxes, shoot-thru and parabolic umbrellas and more
  • Light meter 
  • Background supports including two wall mount pulley systems and traditional background supports
  • High Ceilings 
  • Various cloth and seamless/paper backdrops and props
  • Restroom/changing area
  • Great location near the intersection Hwy 51 and Monroe Road in Matthews, NC
  • Ample Parking
Our studio share caters to various styles of photography including family portraits, children and pet photography, fashion and advertising photography, boudoir photography, fitness photography and more.  The sky is the limit in our studio share. 

In addition to the studio share, we have a classroom which is ideal for meetups, workshops and one-on-one trainings.  Featuring computer workstations and large flat-panel televisions, participants can enjoy workshops and meetings like:
  • Digital Photography for Beginners
  • Photo Editing Techniques
  • Multilevel marketing meetings and recruitment
  • Music Lessons 
If you have a talent or skill that is marketable our classroom will provide you with an affordable solution to market yourself and create additional streams of revenue for your household.

E-mail me at if you are interested in learning more about our studio share and to schedule a Tour.

Studio Samples


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